Press Release: International Day of Action for Women’s Health

28 May, 2020

Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepal is celebrating its 13th Republic Day on May 28 and 2nd National Women’s Rights Day on May 29. The commemoration of these days illustrates the government’s commitment to ensure women’s rights; however, the ground reality suggests that there is still a long way to create an environment for women to feel like equal citizens. The Constitution of Nepal guarantees equality to all of its citizens before the law. Constitutionally, health has also been declared as a fundamental right for every citizen (Article 35). Every woman shall have the right to safe motherhood and reproductive health, according to Article 38(2). No woman shall be subjected to physical, mental, sexual, psychological, or other forms of violence or exploitation on grounds of religion, social, cultural tradition, practice, or on any other grounds, according to Article 38(3). The constitution is quite progressive on paper but the reality presents a different picture. To date, Nepali women need to struggle hard to provide citizenship for their children from their name. Different forms of violence against women are rampant in the country. Women can’t exercise rights to their bodies, sexuality, and sexual rights freely. Women in our country don’t have the right to love or marry a person she loves. If she does so, then she has to undergo several forms of abuse, ostracism and is forced to bear stigma forever in her life. A recent example of this denial of rights can be witnessed from the Chaurjahari, West Rukum incident where three Dalit young men were killed on 22nd March just because they loved a young woman from a higher caste. The situation of sexual and gender minorities is even worse. Although gender minorities have been recognized constitutionally, in reality, they are forced to live in silence. Women’s bodies are considered merely a means for biological reproduction. Almost all reproductive health services revolve around motherhood. Access to information on women’s sexuality and sexual health based on the life cycle approach is almost non-existent, if not absent. This absence of information has a cascading effect on women’s body, choices, dignity, family, and future.

The patriarchal structure and unequal relations between men and women hinder women’s rights and access to sexual and reproductive health services. This is especially a burning issue in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide as women have been facing domestic violence, sexual violence, unwanted pregnancies due to lack of contraceptive services, unsafe abortion, etc. Even the quarantines constructed in different parts of the country are not women-friendly. There are a number of cases where women couldn’t get timely access to a hospital for delivery and have faced different forms of abuses in the quarantine sites.

We are concerned about these continued disparities and injustices against women in various forms and demand a time-sensitive response from all concerned stakeholders to mitigate the problem. Achievement in women’s sexual and reproductive health rights is impossible without mainstreaming and prioritizing gender equality in government’s plans, programs, and policies. Now that Nepal has transitioned into a federal republic country, local governments have an even bigger role in ensuring women’s sexual and reproductive health rights. Nepal must strive for equality to make its political and social achievements stronger and more representative.

“Let no one woman be deprived of her rights to sexual and reproductive health”

Dr. Renu Adhikari

Chairperson, National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRD)

About us: National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders (NAWHRD) is a collective platform that promotes rights of women human rights defenders all over Nepal. It is a loose forum of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) and associated organizations that was officially established in 2007 in order to address the contemporary challenges being faced by WHRDs. This network is currently functional in all 77 districts of the country, represented by different self-representative women right groups and movements.


National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders

Ghumti Kumari Marg, Kathmandu, Nepal

Phone: 01-4498256


Email: [email protected]

“दिगो समृद्धि र सामाजिक न्यायमा आधारित समाज निर्माणका लागि संघीय सरकारको दायित्व र महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको समन्वयकारी भुमिका” विषयक राष्ट्रिय परामर्श कार्यक्रम

महिलाको कामको पहिचान र सम्मान हुने वातावरण निर्माणको माग सहित महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको राष्ट्रिय सञ्जालको १६ औं परामर्श गोष्ठी तथा १२ औ साधारण सभा सम्पन्न
श्रम गर्न पाउनु, गरेको श्रमको सही मूल्यांकन सहित त्यसको सम्मान हुनु मानव अधिकार हो । यो सामाजिक न्यायका लागि एक अनिवार्य सर्त हो । प्रत्येक व्यक्तिले गर्ने कामको सहि मूल्याकंन र सम्मान हुने वातावरण नबनेसम्म समाज सभ्य र समृद्धि हुन सक्दैन । त्यसैले पनि मर्यादित श्रम आज अन्तराष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकारको विषय बनेको छ । आर्थिक समृद्धी समाजवाद प्राप्तीको मेरुदण्ड हो र समाजको समग्र रुपान्तरण बलियो आधार श्रमप्रतिको दृष्टिकोण र व्यवहारमा निर्भर गर्दछ । घरपरिवारदेखि सिंगो राष्ट्र निर्माणका सन्दर्भमा प्रयोग हुने सबै प्रकारको श्रमलाई मर्यादित बनाउन सकियो भने मात्र “समृद्ध नेपाल र सुखी नेपाली” को लक्ष्य प्राप्त हुन सक्नेछ । यसर्थ महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको राष्ट्रिय सञ्जालले मिति २०७६ मंसिर २६ देखि २७ गते सम्म “दिगो समृद्धि र सामाजिक न्यायमा आधारित समाज निर्माणका लागि संघीय सरकारको दायित्व र महिला मानवअधिकार रक्षकहरुको समन्वयकारी भुमिका” विषयक राष्ट्रिय परामर्शको आयोजना गरेको हो । महिलाको श्रमको पहिचान र सम्मानका लागि बाधक रहेका संरचनागत विभेद र महिलालाई हेर्ने विभेदकारी सामाजिक मूल्यमान्यता र हानिकारक परम्परागत अभ्यासको सम्बोधनका लागि आवश्यक पहलहरुका बारेमा छलफल गर्नु, महिलाको श्रमको पहिचान र उचित मूल्याकंकन हुने वातावरण तयारीका लागि ठोस रणनीति तयार गर्नु यस परामर्शको मुख्य उद्देश्य रहेको थियो ।
परामर्श गोष्ठिको उद्घाटन सत्रको अध्यक्षता महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको राष्ट्रिय सञ्जालका अध्यक्षले गर्नुभएको थियो । महिला बालबालिका तथा जेष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयका माननिय मन्त्रि श्री पार्वत गुरुङ्ग र राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका माननिय अध्यक्ष श्री अनुपराज शर्मा प्रमुख अतिथिका रुपमा साथै माननिय श्री दिल कुमारी रावल (पार्वती), सभापति, राष्ट्रिय सरोकार तथा समन्वय समिति, राष्ट्र सभा तथा माननिय श्री पार्वती विसुन्खे, सांसद, प्रतिनीधि सभा, को अतिथिका रुपमा सहभागी हुनुहुन्थ्यो ।
उद्घाटन सत्रमा बोल्दै, डा. रेणु अधिकारीले उत्पादनको साधनमाथि उत्पादन गर्ने व्यक्ति (श्रमजीवि) को पहुँच र नियन्त्रण हुने वातावरणको सिर्जना नभएसम्म समाजवाद उन्मुख अर्थव्यवस्थाको मोडल व्यवहारत कार्यान्वयनमा नआउने बताउनुभयो । महिलाको कामको पहिचान, सम्मान र सम्पुर्ण कामहरु मर्यादित हुने वातावरण निर्माणका लागि स्थानिय तहदेखि नै श्रम नीति, रोजगार नीतिको निर्माण तथा हरेक श्रमिकलाई योगदानमा आधारित सामाजिक सुरक्षा नीतिभित्र समेट्नका लागि उहाँले माग गर्नुभएको थियो । महिला बालबालिका तथा जेष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयका मन्त्रि श्री पार्वत गुरुङ्गले महिला अधिकार सुनिश्चितताका लागि नेपाल सरकारको गन्तब्य प्रष्ट रहेको बताउँदै, सबैसँगको सहयोग र सहकार्यमा मन्त्रालयले काम गर्ने प्रतिबद्धता व्यक्त गर्नुभएको थियो । राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार आयोगका अध्यक्ष श्री अनुपराज शर्माले नेपालको संविधान र कानुनहरु राम्रो भएता पनि गतिशिल कार्यान्वयन नहुनु चुनौति रहेको बताउनुभयो । पाचौं मानव अधिकार कार्ययोजना व्यापक छलफल गरी चाँडै पास हुनुपर्ने बताउनुभएको थियो । अन्तराष्ट्रिय सन्धि, महासन्धिले मार्ग निर्देशन गरेअनुसार महिलाको कामको पहिचान र सम्मान हुने वातावरण तयार गर्न आफु प्रतिबद्ध रहेको राष्ट्रिय सरोकार तथा समन्वय समितिका सभापति श्री दिल कुमारी रावल (पार्वती) ले बताउनु भयो । महिलाको श्रमको पहिचान र मान्यता स्थापित गराउन सदनबाट खेल्नुपर्ने भुमिका र महिलासँग सम्बन्धी कानुनहरु परिमार्जन गर्न प्रतिबद्ध रहेको प्रतिनीधि सभा सदस्य श्री पार्वती विसुन्खेले बताउनुभएको थियो ।
महिलाको श्रमसँग सम्बन्धीत प्रमुख सवाल, चुनौती र महिलाको श्रम मर्यादित हुने वातावरण तयारीका लागि आवश्यक रणनीति तथा कार्यहरुका बारेमा परामर्शमा छलफल गरिएको थियो । उक्त परामर्शबाट आएका सवाल तथा सुझावहरुका आधारमा ७ बुदें घोषणापत्र तयार भएको छ जसलाई महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको राष्ट्रिय सञ्जालको १२ औं साधारण सभाले पारित गरेको छ ।

International Women Human Rights Defenders Day, 2019

अन्तराष्ट्रिय महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षक दिवसको उपलक्ष्यमा महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको राष्ट्रिय संजालले काठमाडौमा बिहानै ¥यालीको आयोजना गरेकोे थियो । बिहान ८ः०० बजे माइतिघर मण्डला देखि नयाँ बानेश्वर सम्म आयोजना गरिएको ¥यालीमा महिलाका कामको सम्मान गर, महिला हिंसा बन्द गर, महिला मानवअधिकार रक्षकको सुरक्षाको ग्यारेन्टी गर, महिला मानवअधिकार रक्षकको सुरक्षा नीति लागु गर, विभिेद गर्नु हिंसा हो, हिंसा हामी सहन्नौँ, महिला माथि भईरहेका सबै प्रकारका हिंसा अन्त्य गर जस्ता नारा लगाईएको थियो । त्यसैगरी महिला रोकिए संसार रोकिन्छ, महिला अधिकार, मानव अधिकार लगायतका प्लेकार्ड लिएर दुई सय पचास भन्दा बढी महिला मानव अधिकार रक्षकहरुको सहभागिता रहेको थियो । उक्त ¥याली बानेश्वरमा पुगेर कोणसभामा परिणत भई समापन भएको थियो ।

Women’s Global Strike

महिला रोकिए संसार रोकिन्छ।

  1. Training for Deputy Mayors on ‘Transformative Leadership for Socio-cultural transformation:

Local governments have been established as a powerful body in the midst of the public with power and resources that can ensure the basic rights of the people. In this context, the local level representatives and especially the ones with judicial power will have salient decisive roles. Therefore, in order to bring the social-cultural transformation through institutionalizing the women’s leadership, this training was designed to enhance the leadership capacity of the deputy chair of the all 13 districts of province 3 and Women Human Rights Defenders. This training provided an opportunity to embed a feminist approach to bring social and cultural transformation. The training comprised of various sessions around transformative leadership and components and tools that will be instructive in creating such leadership.

This training was a collaboration of National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders and Isis-WICCE.

2. CEDAW shadow report preparation and representation

Nationwide consultation:

CEDAW is the mechanism to make any state or international bodies or organization responsible and gender sensitive. CEDAW advocates equality in law, behavior and results. To make this mechanism responsible CEDAW in its article 18 have the provision of presentation of periodical report to be submitted by state within one year after the entry into the convention and every four year thereafter on the legislative, executive, judicial, administrative and others measures where they have adopted to give suitable environment to the provisions of the conventions. Furthermore, the report of a state is evaluated with the shadow report of civil societies, human right commission, UN agencies, INGO’s, international organization of human rights existing and working in the state.

The urgency of a shadow report is felt by NAWHRD because of the limitation of the report. It is felt by NAWHRD that the marginalized women and women human rights defenders (women and Trans) issues are left from the report. Stereotype and harmful practices is been excluded from the report the government of Nepal has presented as our state is in the stage of transformation, we are moving towards transformation, so the discriminatory out look towards women itself is the harmful tradition, this issue must be inked in the paper.

Realizing this urgency, National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders(NAWHRD) conducted a consultation program on CEDAW in each province for further positive transformation of government of federal democratic republic of Nepal on three issues violence against women, health and women human rights defenders. The periodic report of Nepal government for last year has already been submitted including all the positive improvements in the country. This report from the side of NAWHRD will work as a lobby within the civil society and all the province of the state.